Monday, March 13, 2006

I'm an ADDICT!

I'm an addict. Clothes and shoes and make up. And junk that I just don't need. I'm addicted to shopping. It's really bad. I know that everyone jokes about how girls are shop-a-holics and have tons of shoes and retail therapy and blah blah blah. But this is a serious condition. I have no self control. I bought practically the entire Luella for Target line yesterday. Do I NEED all these new clothes? No. But I wanted them. I can rationalize it because everything I got (with the exception of the $27 party dress that I'm wearing for Prom), I can wear to work. But I want more. I already know I'm going to stalk her line and get it all. I love it more than anything I've ever gotten from H&M or any of those cheaper trendy shops. And then I bought some stuff at Marc Jacobs. Nothing major, but do I really need another pair of fingerless gloves?
Living in New York is dangerous for my wallet. And my closet. I have no room for any more clothes!

Dan is coming into New York tonight. He's been on the road for about 3 months now. He must have some amazing stories and photos! I'm going to Guillemots with Jasp and then karaoke, so Dan is just going to come find me and hang out and karaoke. I think he'll love it. Then tomorrow, I'm taking the day off to hang out with him and show him around a little so that he can get by on his own for the rest of his stay. Which, by the way, I'm not sure how long will be. If he's here through St. Patrick's Day, maybe he'll want to go to Woodside (i.e. Little Ireland) and drink beers? I wonder what the Woodside boys are up to on Friday? (This is also an excuse to try to hang out with P.R.).

Caught Eagle Seagull again last night. They are so good! And cute. Seriously, those kids are adorable. I hope they do really well. They rock my face off. I've already started telling everyone I know to listen to them.


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