Thursday, March 02, 2006

You're so weird omg I just want to get married and make babies that's my only goal in life blah blah

I realized today that the way people were when I was in high school is the way all people will always be.
Here's a story. So the jock/sporty/conservative/will-grow-up-to-be-frat-kids-then-hedgefunders-etc-and-their-wives (I know you know the type. They hang out in those bars on like 2nd and 3rd Ave around 53rd st etc.) kids in high school were always like, "you rock kids are so weird" blah blah but once they would take the time to get to know one of us, they'd realize we were cool. I remember Vicky don'tremeberherlastname and her friend Patty used to say, "we thought you were so weird because you had green nail polish and purple hair but then we realized you were just unique and didn't care what people think and we think it's so cool that you do your own thing and you're like the nicest person ever" blah blah. I'm sure you've heard that story before.
So anyway, Dave Cheeto Teeth comes to me today after X left and was like, "Your friend is so weird". I don't think he's that weird. Well, I mean, I know he's weird but what I think is weird about him Dave didn't get an opportunity to see in the 5 minutes he was here. So why does Dave say he's weird? Because he has a gruffy beard and giant boots and gold fronts and loves karaoke? Or is Dave just doing the "you rock kids are so weird" thing because X isn't conservative boring waspy dude? Makes me crazy.
The average person is so boring. OMG I just realized- the most judgemental people I know are also the most boring. They stay at home every night watching TV and the one night a week they do go out, they go to a popped collar waspy frat bar and get waaaaay too drunk to actually be able to enjoy what their doing. Life must suck when you're a tool like those dudes. And the only goal the girls have is to meet the "hottest" one to marry so he'll cheat on her while she's bloated and pregnant with his third kid but at least he'll be paying for her Frequent Tanner membership and sporty mini van. I'm so glad I'm not into that scene.


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