Saturday, February 18, 2006

What I Want to Be When I Grow Up.

When I was young, I was obsessed with the Silence of the Lambs. I totally wanted to be Clarice Starling. FBI agent- badass, detective, crime fighter. SUPERHERO. Those kinds of shows are still my favorites- 24, Law and Order, Buffy. Sometimes I still want to be a special agent for some subdivision of the FBI. Only, I know it's not nearly as thrilling and way more bureaucratic than it is on TV. I mean, come on. Duh. So really, I'd be filling out reports and paper work and not getting to run around bitch slapping the bad guys with the side of my handgun. And diffusing bombs even though I'm not on the bomb squad.
Kim, Flynn and I went to an art exhibit a few weeks ago that was amazing- it was about vampires and werewolves and other mythical "monsters" forming an army to protect the few remaining humans. There was a contest that went with it and we got to describe what kind of agent/SUPERHEROES we'd be. It was fun. And last night, Flynn and I saw Night Watchers- same kind of idea. "Others" (vampires, witches, etc) sort of policing each other.
Basically, I think I've got some pent up aggression for some reason and am feeling supremely violent these days. Maybe I should take a boxing class.


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