Thursday, February 16, 2006

I guess my work doesn't hate me after all

I had my review today at work. It actually went better than I anticipated. I was expecting to be told I'm a huge slacker and that I totally suck and goof off too much. I was told that, but I was also told that a lot of what I do is fantastic and that I am still an asset to the company. I got a 5% raise (which is way better than Dale ever gave me). So I think I'll start my 401k with the difference. It's miniscule, but I can't really afford much more than that for now. I can always increase it later.
I'm feeling much calmer about everything in general today. I was excited to come home and clean the apartment and work on some jewelry and knitting and sewing. Of course it's almost 11 and I haven't started on anything because I decided to clean up some of the clutter in my room instead and play around on the internet, but I still feel like I accomplished quite a bit tonight. There's still time to make a new pair of earrings. The amazing girl that Erik is dating now is a jewelry designer and some of her stuff really looks like the style of some of what I've made. It's so inspiring to see that she's made a business of it. I finally brought the Dreamweaver disc home from work, so I'm going to install that and start working on my site. I'm finally feeling motivated to do this stuff. I think I'm going to disappear from the city for a while to buckle down and do some work. I'll still be at karaoke every Monday, and dancing on Thursdays and the first Tuesday of every month, but I don't have to be out every night like I have been for the last few months.
Some notes on the topic of Eric the Cute Make Out Boy (my current topic that I seem to be unable to let go of)- I talked to Zach about what I did and he was shocked because it was so out of character. But he made me feel better about it all. I mean, everyone has been saying the same things that Zach said, pretty much, but just the way he phrased it helped it to sink in. I think I can let it go now. Thanks for your wisdom, Zach.
Sarah and John have been fighting like mad. They never used to fight in front of me- she'd just tell me about it after. But the last 2 times I've been home with them, they're intensely arguing with each other. I mean, INTENSE. It really makes me sooooo much more glad than ever to be single. Not that I've ever been much of a fighter- my relationships were always pretty mellow. Never really bickered that much. With Mikey, yeah we fought towards the end. But it was always more like there was tension because he wanted out and it just sparked arguments here and there.


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