Tuesday, February 28, 2006

O Sailor, Why'd You Do It?

So why is it it's been like a month and now I'm getting sad about EtCMOB again? I'm making myself crazy trying to figure out where it went wrong (other than the crazy message). I mean, I thought things were going well. He left me MySpace comments and showed up for karaoke after we slept together. So I didn't anticipate him bailing. I didn't think I'd never hear from him again. The whole thing is lame. He seems like a cool and reasonable guy. So why did he never respond to anything? Why did he not say, "Hey asshole. Quit being crazy. I told you I didn't call because I was busy, not because I'm not interested"? Probably because he actually wasn't interested.
And why is no one interested? I mean, there's a few, sure. But they're not exactly my type. Maybe I have to take myself off some pedestal thinking that I deserve better. I'm not asking for much- I just want to hold out for someone who gives me butterflies. None of the boys paying attention to me flutter my nerves.
I still stand by my not wanting a boyfriend. But I do want to have a crush on someone and have it not go bad in just one month.


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